電腦室sala de computacióncomputerruimtecomputer roomrooms, computer計算機機房
In current usage, usually refers to rooms, located in offices or other public or commercial buildings, that are reserved for computer servers and have regulated temperature and humidity suited for the optimum operation and storage of computer equipment. In the recent past, before the advent of networked environments, the term often referred to rooms reserved for a number of stand-alone computers, often in a school or other facility offering training in the use of computers or computer applications; the term may occasionally have this meaning in the present.目前通常指稱座落在辦公室、其它公共或商業建築中的房間,專門用於放置電腦伺服器,為讓電腦設備操作及存放需要達到最好的狀態,加以調節室內溫度及濕度。在網路環境出現以前,此詞彙泛指放置了數台單機電腦的房間,大多位於學校或其他提供電腦使用或應用訓練課程的場地中;現在這個詞彙只能偶爾指稱這類空間。