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Resht work, plain weave felted wool, patchwork, inlaid work, embroidered with silk in a variety of stitches predominantly chain stitch and with couched metal thread; applied black silk fringe on four sides. Note: researchers may use the terms applique and tambour when searching for this category of textile even though they are incorrect. The central panel is patterned with a lattice of small lozenges the frames of which are: a] red outlined in blue forming a large central diamond/lozenge shape with two pendant lozenges top and bottom b] the remaining lozenges are framed in blue outlined with a white and yellow cord. In [a] the lozenge compartments have a white ground on which is a single floral sprig consisting of 3 pale green flowers, two scarlet red leaves and a green base/roots. Those compartments at the lower end, have these sprigs facing that end, the others face the top. Framing this [a] shape is a [blue - see [b]] line of lozenges with the same design and directionality but with different colouring - ie. A pale green ground, white flowers, green leaves and a scarlet red base. Then a line of lozenges with a scarlet red ground, same design but with dark green flowers, white leaves and light green base, again with same directionality. And finally, in the remaining space in this central field are lozenges with the same design but the sprigs face towards the centre dark green field, scarlet red flowers, pale green leaves and white base. Inner and out borders: the same, a narrow white ground, a green embroidered stem meander links 5 petalled red rosettes and dark blue buds and small trefoil white shapes on additional green stems. Both borders have been cut through the embroidery and must come from longer strips. Main border: dark red with an embroidered white meander with pale olive green leaves carrying 5 petalled white rosettes or 6 petalled pointed flowers and [originally orange now faded to cream] buds. This border has been pieced by cutting through the design except for the top left hand corner. These three borders are delineated by a scarlet, dark red or dark blue band, the seams of which are concealed with couched metal thread. Outermost border along all four sides is undecorated black. Embroidery thread: white, dark blue, light blue, scarlet red, three shades of green, two shades of orange. Metal thread: copper [?] strip close S-wound on white silk core; two threads Z-plied with a thick silk cord. Inserts: yellow, white, pale orange, light blue, green, dark brown, dark blue, black.