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Subject Item
1800 / 1890, Iran
Woven silk plain weave embroidered with couched metal thread and silk in straight stitches and with spangles, with a border of silk satin, and backed with a cotton inter-facing. Deep pink central field covered with a design emerging from a 16-petalled rosette in silver-gilt metal thread, the main leaves also detailed in [faded] coral red, light blue and dark blue silk. From every 2nd leaf is an arc form linking to form an 8-pointed star, each marked with a small rosette of brass sequins. From each star point emerges: [a] a simple quatrefoil flower head edged with silver-gilt couching, and a centre[ basket-weave couching ] while the four petals are infilled with faded coral red, light and dark blue. The two small leaves in coral red, light and dark green, outlined with silver thread couching, emerge from the top along with a central stem leading into a floral fan of 7 petals in coral red, light green and faded brown, and a centre of silver-gilt basket-weave couching. Two couched inward curving leafy stems emerge carrying leaves in coral red, light and dark green stitching and two longer curving leaves, holding 6 petalled rosettes, lead from the top to meet with stems from [b] and join to carry the corner motifs [c]. [a] alternates with [b]. [b] an 8-pointed flower head with petals outlined with couching in silver-gilt and infilled with coral red, light and dark blue, and a basket weave silver centre from which a bifurcated stem emerges to join with [a] stems and the corner motifs [c]. [c] in each corner, an exotic blossom with a tulip-like central section in silver metal thread couching with other petals in coral red, light green and bronze silk, or red, light and dark blue or coral red and dark blue infills. The border [8 cm wide] is pieced maroon silk satin [red warp and brown weft] which has a selvedge of 4 brown cords and stripes of light green either side of a pink warp stripe. The embroidery runs over the seams filled with an irregular meander of raised silver couching holding large and small leaves infilled with scarlet red, light and dark green silk stitching and holding alternate 8-petalled rosettes and a 7-petalled flower fan both outlined in raised silver-gilt and infilled with scarlet red, pale and light blue silk embroidery. The corner units carry a smaller repeat motif of [c]. this border is edged on both sides with a narrow band of laid black silk held in place with couched silver thread to form a continuous zigzag pattern. Embroidery Threads: 2S-plied silk: light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, scarlet red, deep brown, coral red. See the back of the cover for unfaded colours. Metal thread: silver-gilt strip close Z-wound around a yellow silk core couched with yellow silk and silver strip close Z--wound around a white silk core couched with white silk.. Backing: pieced plain weave cotton of two qualities through which the embroidery was worked.
Woven silk plain weave embroidered with couched metal thread and silk in straight stitches and with spangles, with a border of silk satin, and backed with a cotton inter-facing. Deep pink central field covered with a design emerging from a 16-petalled rosette in silver-gilt metal thread, the main leaves also detailed in [faded] coral red, light blue and dark blue silk. From every 2nd leaf is an arc form linking to form an 8-pointed star, each marked with a small rosette of brass sequins. From each star point emerges: [a] a simple quatrefoil flower head edged with silver-gilt couching, and a centre[ basket-weave couching ] while the four petals are infilled with faded coral red, light and dark blue. The two small leaves in coral red, light and dark green, outlined with silver thread couching, emerge from the top along with a central stem leading into a floral fan of 7 petals in coral red, light green and faded brown, and a centre of silver-gilt basket-weave couching. Two couched inward curving leafy stems emerge carrying leaves in coral red, light and dark green stitching and two longer curving leaves, holding 6 petalled rosettes, lead from the top to meet with stems from [b] and join to carry the corner motifs [c]. [a] alternates with [b]. [b] an 8-pointed flower head with petals outlined with couching in silver-gilt and infilled with coral red, light and dark blue, and a basket weave silver centre from which a bifurcated stem emerges to join with [a] stems and the corner motifs [c]. [c] in each corner, an exotic blossom with a tulip-like central section in silver metal thread couching with other petals in coral red, light green and bronze silk, or red, light and dark blue or coral red and dark blue infills. The border [8 cm wide] is pieced maroon silk satin [red warp and brown weft] which has a selvedge of 4 brown cords and stripes of light green either side of a pink warp stripe. The embroidery runs over the seams filled with an irregular meander of raised silver couching holding large and small leaves infilled with scarlet red, light and dark green silk stitching and holding alternate 8-petalled rosettes and a 7-petalled flower fan both outlined in raised silver-gilt and infilled with scarlet red, pale and light blue silk embroidery. The corner units carry a smaller repeat motif of [c]. this border is edged on both sides with a narrow band of laid black silk held in place with couched silver thread to form a continuous zigzag pattern. Embroidery Threads: 2S-plied silk: light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, scarlet red, deep brown, coral red. See the back of the cover for unfaded colours. Metal thread: silver-gilt strip close Z-wound around a yellow silk core couched with yellow silk and silver strip close Z--wound around a white silk core couched with white silk.. Backing: pieced plain weave cotton of two qualities through which the embroidery was worked.
n10:2 n10:1
1800 / 1890, Iran
Subject Item