an Entity references as follows:
In her 1778 novel, The Sylph, Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire wrote: 'Poor Winifred... broke two laces in endeavouring to draw my new French stays close... Then they are so intolerably wide across the breast that my arms are absolutely sore with them; and sides so pinched! But... to be admired, is a sufficient balsam'. Half-boned stays Britain, 1770s Silk damask, buckram and whalebone, lined with linen Given by Messrs Harrods Ltd. V&A: T.909-1913 [2013-2015] Silk Stays These stays are reinforced with parallel strips of whalebone along the upper edge, making them very wide across the breasts. The Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806) complained in a letter from 1778 that a similar corset cut into her body and made her arms sore, 'But it is the 'ton' [fashion]; and pride feels no pain.' Stays Britain, 1775-85 Silk damask, buckram interlining, whalebone (baleen), linen lining V&A: T.909-1913 Given by the Messrs Harrods [16/04/2016-12/03/2017]