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The complex story of the wars between the Greeks and Trojans continues to fascinate. In the past, sets of tapestries provided an ideal medium for the depiction of the legend. Many were produced in the 15th century and depicted a version by the medieval poets, rather than the earlier account by the Greek poet Homer. Three scenes from the story are seen on this tapestry. On the left, Queen Penthesilea comes with her Amazon warriors to join the Greeks and kneels before Priam at the gate of Troy. In the centre is a battle between the Amazons and the Greeks, and on the right we see Pyrrhus being armed. The tapestry is crammed with beautifully executed and lively scenes of battle, kings, queens, princes, warriors and horses. Contemporary costume and armour, waving banners and a military tent are depicted in exquisite detail. It is thought that there were originally 11 tapestries, of which this example is the ninth. Some of the other tapestries survive and the original drawings are in the Louvre in Paris.