scope note
| - 各種動物皮膚上的纖維狀生長物,成份為角蛋白,可與其他纖維製成用來填充的布料以及刷子。 (zh-hant)
- Die faserförmige Ausstülpung der Haut verschiedener Lebenwesen, bestehend aus dem Protein Keratin; wird mit anderen Fasern zur Herstellung von Geweben, als Füllmaterial und zum Herstellen von Bürsten oder Pinseln genutzt. (de)
- De vezelachtige uitgroeiïngen op de huid van allerlei dieren, die bestaan uit het eiwit keratine en onder andere worden gebruikt voor het maken van stoffen, als opvulling en voor het maken van kwasten en borstels. (nl)
- Excrecencia fibrosa de la piel de diversos animales, compuesta de queratina proteica y utilizada, entre otros fines, para fabricar telas, como relleno y para hacer cepillos. (es)
- Material comprising the cylindrical filaments that grow from follicles embedded in the skin of mammals. Hair is a column of overlapping, fused cells that are composed of the protein keratin; hair is composed of three parts: the innermost column is the medula, the surrounding live cells (the cortex) contain pigment, and the outermost dead transparent cells are the cuticular scales. The portion of the hair outside of the skin is called the shaft. Fine, closely spaced hair that covers most of an animal's body is called fur. Dense, soft, curled hair is called wool. Coarse, stiff hairs are called bristles, spines, or quills. Horsehair and cattle hair have been used for brushes, plaster binders, haircloth, and upholstery stuffing. Rabbit hair, often called rabbit fur, has been used to make felt hats. (en)