scope note
| - Material aus dünn geschnittenen Hornplatten, die Schalen einiger Schildkröten bedeckend. Es war im 19. Jahrhundert für Einlagen, Schmuck, Haarkämme und andere Schmuckobjekte beliebt, aber seine Verwendung ist heute verboten. (de)
- Substantie die afkomstig is van de hoornplaten die de schilden van sommige schildpadden bedekken. (nl)
- Material made from the thinly-sliced horny plates covering the shells of some turtles and tortoises; the finished material is finely colored gold and brown, translucent, and glossy. It was popular in the 19th-century for inlays, jewelry, hair combs, and other ornaments, but its use is banned today. It differs from "turtle shell" in how it is worked and in the finished appearance; tortoise shell is worked upon like horn, and is usually softened or rendered plastic by placing in boiling water. (en)
- 由某些海龜殼與陸龜殼表面所覆蓋的角質薄板所製成的材料。十九世紀時廣泛用於鑲嵌材料、首飾、髮梳與其他裝飾品,但現今已禁用。 (zh-hant)
- Sustancia que forma placas callosas y que cubren la caparazón de algunas tortugas. (es)